Important Notice: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the conference date has been shifted to Jan 13th – 15th 2021. Therefore, the second call for paper is being launched to open another opportunity for researchers to submit their research work to a high quality and prestigious IEEE conference.
The International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE) is a reputable bi-annual international conference series in the scientific community on the areas of Electronics and Communications recently. Following the past successful IEEE ICCE 2018, which received over 180 submissions from 29 countries with the acceptance rate of 33%, the eighth IEEE ICCE (IEEE ICCE 2020) looks for significant contributions to various topics in communications engineering, networking, microwave engineering, signal processing, and electronic engineering. The conference will also include tutorials, workshops, and technology panels given by world-class speakers.
All authors should prepare full version of papers with maximum length of 6 pages and submit via EDAS: Full accepted papers will be published in the IEEE ICCE 2020 Conference Proceedings and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore®. The proceedings of ICCE series is regularly indexed by SCOPUS and listed in Conference Proceeding Citation Index (CPCI) of Clarivate.
Contributed papers are solicited describing original works in electronics, communication engineering and related technologies. Topics and technical areas of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Networking: Cloud & Fog/Edge Computing, Networking and Storage; Networking for Big Data; Social Networks; Network Security; IoT and Applications; AI in Networking; Wireless Networks; New Network Architectures, Paradig
- Communication Systems: Coding and Information Theory; UWB; Ultrasonic, Under-Water Communications, Satellite Communications/GNSS; Radio-over-Fiber, Free Space and Fiber-Optic Communications; Software Defined Radio, Cognitive Radio; Cooperative Communications, Secured Communication Systems, Massive MIMO; NOMA, 5G Systems, Energy-Harvesting, Millimeter-Wave Communications, Device-to-Device Communications, Green Communications
- Microwave, Millimeter-Wave Devices/ Components Design and Techniques: Passive, Active Devices/Components, Integration Techniques, Nano-Scale Devices, Millimeter-Wave and THz Components
- Antenna and Propagation: Compact Antennas, Reconfigurable and Smart Antennas, Beam Forming, Massive MIMO Antennas, Phased Arrays, Channel Modeling and Propagation
- EM Field Theory and Simulation Techniques: EM Field Theory, Numerical Techniques, Metamaterials, FSSs…
- RF, Microwave and Millimeterwave Systems and Applications: Radar, Sensing and RFID system, Wireless Power Transmission, RF and microwave for healthcare applications
- Other Related Technologies: Nanoscale Integration of Planar, Free-Space, and Mixed Subsystems, 3D Printed RF, RF/microwave applications for Internet of Space (IoS)
- Image, Video Processing, Analysis and Applications
- Computer Vision Systems and Applications
- Image Based Human-Computer Interaction
- Biomedical Signal Processing and Analysis, Computer-Aided Diagnosis
- Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Function Imaging
- PACS and Imaging Informatics
- Smart Hospital and Health Care
- Ambient Intelligence and Applications
- Audio, Acoustic Signal, Speech and Natural Language Processing
- Signal Filtering, Detection and Estimation
- Statistical Signal Processing and Modeling
- Signal Processing in Communications
- Signal and Image Encryption, Multimedia Security
- Electronic Circuits: Analog, Digital, Mixed Signal
- EDA: System Design, Synthesis and Optimization; Formal Methods and Verification
- Architectures and Systems: NoC, Multi-Core, Video and Multimedia, Embedded Systems, Reconfigurable Computing, System-Level Power Management, IoT Devices, Hardware Security, High Performance/Parallel Computing Platforms for Big Data
- Application Systems: Communication, Consumer and Multimedia; Medical and Healthcare; Spacecraft Avionics, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning
SPECIAL SESSIONS: IEEE ICCE 2020 offers special sessions, which provide an overview of the state-of-the-art and current research directions on communications and electronics. Please visit for more details.
Post-Conference Publication: Extended versions of the best papers presented at the conference will be considered, by invitation and upon additional review, for publication in the following journals:
- Elsevier's Physical Communication (Q2, IF=1,45)
- Elsevier's Computer Networks (Q1, IF=3,03)
- EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems (published by the European Alliance for Innovation)
- Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology
- A Springer's book chapter on Statistical Learning and Its Applications